Camargo Schubert Engenheiros Associados, Curitiba - PR

R. Juvenal Galeno, 55 - Jardim Social, Curitiba - PR, 82520-030, Brasil
Curitiba - PR

Title - - Premium Wind Services Founded in 1991, Camargo Schubert Engenharia is the current leader in wind and solar energy production assessment in Brazil, with global experience and many international partners.
Our mission is to provide the most accurate assessment and consulting in wind energy projects.
Learn more about us Technology Unlike other companies, which may estimate the complexities of the atmosphere using the rather simple, and outdated Jackson-Hunt models, our company utilizes pairs of second-generation LIDARS to bring you accurate wind measurements even in complex terrains.
To couple with our great scans, we also utilize our own wind park software to help in analyzing the measured data, and therefore make corrections to reduce any uncertainties.
Experience Since 2009, wind energy auctions have existed in Brazil.
In them, more than 15 GW have been awarded in PPAs.
Of this total, we have developed the energy yield estimation for 54% of that total.
We can ensure our prowess in auctions.
In 2001 we mapped the Brazilian wind resources using mesoscale data.
For the last 16 years, we have been measuring the most complex sites in Brazil with the use of ca.
000 met masts .
We can ensure our expertise in accounting for the effects that complex terrain, thermal conditions, and katabatic winds have on wind turbine performance and wake effects.
Detail We understand our client’s needs for the most realistic assessments of annual energy production when competing in auctions.
Every detail counts.
We make sure to look for any uncertainties and factors when developing our reports.
Some of these factors analyzed includes: Bi-modal wind distributions Day/night contrast influences in energy yield Wake effects in the thermal stable/unstable regimes of the atmosphere Due-diligence requires experience and attention to detail.
Our team is obsessed with details in wind resource and performance assessment, and we can assert that any project will have all factors taken into consideration.
Accuracy When wind farm projects compete in auctions to obtain a long-term PPA, accuracy is the name of the game.
Estimations on energy yield must be accurate.
Optimistic estimates may lead to future unrecoverable losses.
Being conservative may prevent winning the bid.
We have the best track record in the world industry, just look to your right, we have accurately predicted the energy yield of more than 6 GW of wind farms in Brazil.

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