Landix Sistemas Ltda, Uberlândia - MG

Av. João Naves de Ávila, 4825 - Santa Mônica, Uberlândia - MG, 38408-288, Brasil
Uberlândia - MG

Landix - - Sales force  Custom Projects Customers Service Center Portal  Blog Contact  EN Toggle navigation Sales force  Custom Projects Customers Service Center Portal  Blog Contact Idioma  Previous Next WHY AUTOMATE? Understand what the sales process automation can do for your company KNOW MORE Landix Flex Landix Flex is our multiplatform sales automation software, which can be integrated to any business management system.
This system will provide to your business more agility to the processes, increasing the productivity and the organization of your vendors.
Besides gaining time, you can also reduce human failures and operational costs.
Try Landix Flex now.
Download it on Landix Service Center Easy Access Open service tickets at any time for doubts and support.
Support You receive fast and clear information and orientation about our solutions.
Practicality Keep up with your historical and statistical information in a simple and clear way to favor your contact with us.
KNOW MORE Custom Projects Landix Customized Projects are solutions developed with co-creation and direct partnership with the company.
Get to know our services better.
KNOW MORE Solutions for companies of all sizes.
Small Companies From 1 to 99 Employees "We have worked with Landix since 2012 and we have noticed that the significance given to the customer service is their big differential in the market.
Landix provides to our company something that we always thought to be impossible for sales force systems: solutions in the sales area with a very high level of product quality and support, in relation to their competition in the market.
" Marcelo Gomes Petroleum Lubrificantes - Administrative Supervisor Medium-sized Companies From 99 to 999 Employees "From the use of the system, we gained agility and reliability to the information, besides safety in the processes.
" Sérgio Spini Start Química - Commercial Director Big Companies 1000+ Employees "Landix has been a partner of the Coca-Cola System since 1998, in the development of solutions that help our sales force to sell more.
I'd like to enhance not only the quality of the commercial tools developed and delivered through these years, but specially the way that the work is developed: always listening to the needs of our Manufacturers System and delivering solutions that overcome our expectations in terms of quality, terms and cost.
" Antonio Viveiros Coca-Cola Brasil - Commercial Capabilities Director Get to know some of our customers × Schedule a presentation Our solutions are available for companies with small teams to big corporations, distributed in any place that has internet access.
Would you like a presentation to get to know our service central and our other services better? Leave your phone or e-mail and we will contact you soon.
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