Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu, Cachoeiras de Macacu - RJ

Estrada Guapiaçu, s/n - Guapiaçu, Cachoeiras de Macacu - RJ, 28680-000, Brasil
Cachoeiras de Macacu - RJ

Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu | Atlantic Forest, Brazil - - Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu, Atlantic Forest, Brazil.
Conserving the Atlantic Forest in Brazil Menu Skip to content BirdingVisit us Excursions Rates Day visits Location Trip reports Books PublicationsBiodiversityConservation Education Restoration ResearchVolunteerNewsDonate Home Birding at REGUAREGUA is the premier birdwatching site in the Atlantic Forest – one of South America’s most biodiverse and endemic-rich biomes.
Of the 930 bird species found in the Atlantic Forest, over 470 have been recorded at REGUA, including 62 Brazilian endemics, 118 species endemic to the Atlantic Forest and several species that can be considered REGUA specialities.
Over 200 bird species have been recorded at our wetlands alone.
More »AccommodationOur visitor lodge, built for birders and people interested in natural history, is located beside our wetlands with stunning views across the reserve and easy access to a network of marked trails that can be walked with or without a guide.
The lodge is full board and equipped to a high standard with 10 en-suite rooms, a swimming pool, and an extensive natural history library.
We also offer a transfer service to and from Rio de Janeiro located two hours away.
More »Birdwatching excursionsJoin our birdwatching excursions from the lodge to a variety of Atlantic Forest habitats off-reserve, in search of over 100 species of birds not present at REGUA.
The focus of our excursions is finding endemic Atlantic Forest birds including Restinga Antwren, Grey-winged Cotinga, Itatiaia Thistletail and Three-toed Jacamar.
We also organise night-birding excursions to look for Giant Snipe, owls, potoos, nightjars and other nocturnal birds.
More »Latest newsArrival of the tapir!13 December 2017Read this article »Orchid and bromeliad garden10 December 2017Read this article »Want to see Atlantic rainforest endemics?03 December 2017Read this article » More news »About REGUANarrated by Michael Palin, produced by Verity White/Five Films, soundtrack by Matthew Sheeran.
 Watch in HD »Make a donation to REGUAWith only 7% of the original forested area remaining, the Atlantic Forest of South America is one of the most threatened ecosystems on Earth, but also one the most biodiverse! REGUA protects over 9,000 hectares of forest and has the opportunity to purchase more land protect more forest, but we have to act fast as encroaching urbanisation is rapidly increasing land prices.
Please support REGUA by making a donation.
Donate »TwitterTweets by @REGUABrasil FacebookMartin Jones 2 days ago Happy New Year to all xxx (from Wales, UK).
See MoreSee LessPhotoView on Facebook·ShareReserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu 1 week ago Partnerships have a common cause and we are honoured to be able to share in getting this amazing animal back into the forests of Rio de Janeiro.
Grandes Parcerias e Grandes Conquistas.
See MoreSee LessInstituto Estadual do Ambiente???? Uau! O Inea, em parceria com o Projeto Refauna, reintroduziram uma anta brasileira, Tapirus terrestris, espécie em extinção no Rio de Janeiro, na RPPN REGUA, em Cachoeiras de Macacu.
#REGUA Leia a matéria completa em nosso site: View on Facebook·ShareReserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu 2 weeks ago Uma ótima notícia ! Parabéns a todos os "RPPNistas" e o trabalho do INEA.
O nosso dia de comemorar chegou#por mais RRPNsThose land owners in Brazil that have established private park status "RPPN" have their day to commemorate, the 31st January.
Thank you RJ INEA team for your support.
See MoreSee LessPhotoView on Facebook·ShareReserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu 2 weeks ago A Reserva Ecológica do Guapiaçu deseja um Feliz Natal e um próspero Ano Novo para todos os nossos amigos e parceiros.
Foto tirada pelo André Lanna na trilha verde, Muriqui tomando sol.
See MoreSee LessPhotoView on Facebook·ShareReserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu 3 weeks ago O retorno da Anta ao estado do Rio de Janeiro.
See MoreSee LessAnta na ReguaVideoView on Facebook·ShareView on Facebook

Localização como chegar a Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu