Eccox Technology, Barueri - SP

Avenida Sagitário, 138 2º Andar, Torre City, Alpha Square - Alphaville, Barueri - SP, 06543-185, Brasil
Barueri - SP

Eccox - Technology That Delivers Results - Technology That Delivers Results - contato@eccox.
br+ 55 11 4133-1969 MenuQuality CodeProduct FamiliesEnvironment ManagementProductsServices & TrainingSupportBe an Eccox partnerCommunityAboutContact Us HomeThe CMG imPACt 2017 will be in New Orleans.
/Date31 Oct 2017Eccox will be attending the international event designed for and by performance and capacity professionals, the CMG imPACt.
The Computer Measurement Group is a not-for-profit, worldwide organization of IT professionals committed to sharing information and best practices focused on ensuring the efficiency and scalability of IT service delivery to the enterprise through measurement, quantitative analysis.
Read More ?Is the protection of your data guaranteed?/Date27 Sep 2017We talk a lot in safety, we spend a lot of money to make sure our data is protected from malicious people, but are they really? This is a somewhat dangerous question, because if we say yes, someone will want to challenge you, on the other hand, if we say no, then we are not.
Read More ?Workload Automation and IT Bimodal/Date28 Dec 2016Eccox is present at the 11th Performance and Capacity Planning Conference organized by CMG Brazil on June 18 in São Paulo.
Our Emerson Castelano consultant will talk about Workload Automation and IT Bimodal.
Traditionally, companies use multiple workload automation tools while IT scenarios and business requirements change rapidly.
To comply with IT Bimodal automation of.
Read More ? Mainframe: Still Not Crazy After All These Years/Date18 Dec 2016In a Cloud Computing era and DevOps practice, the author Mark Underwood, delves into some very interesting and relevant key points that not only keeps the mainframe as centerpiece of the data center but also shows that its relevance and adoption is still growing.
Read full article hereBimodal IT: The Contrast between Agile and Traditional IT/Date18 Dec 2016Traditional IT and Agile are different in many ways.
One efficient way to better explain the differences is to contextualize how applications and teams are inserted in both concepts.
Gartner defines “Bimodal IT is the practice of managing two separate, coherent modes of IT delivery, one focused on stability and the other on agility”.
Read More ? Eccox, 24 Years of Passion!/Date18 Dec 2016Eccox, 24 years of passion! Today we celebrate one more birthday at the journey with great pride and joy by helping organizations maximize the value of their IT investments and meet their business objectives.
Is it a great pleasure to count with our employees, Customers, business partners, friends, and enthusiasts, that contribute for successes and achievements.
We thank.
Read More ?Transactions Batch or Online?/Date17 Dec 2016We all want the immediate things, and computers increasingly helps us, either to receive information, a family statement, to seek a restaurant, a hotel, or a service; and to effectuate a transaction, whether a sale, purchase or payment.
The communication facilities were in our hand, in the past the purchase of a phone line to.
Read More ?DevOps and ITIL together?/Date15 Dec 2016This article intends to just provide a standpoint on how to consider DevOps initiative for organizations based on ITIL governance and traditional application development.
Gartner defines DevOps and ITIL as follows: DevOps represents a change in IT culture, focusing on rapid IT service delivery through the adoption of agile, lean practices in the context of.
Read More ? Houston we have a problem!/Date12 Dec 2016Tips for a fast, direct and efficient contact with your support Productivity.
I believe that this is the word of the century, from the business to the personal life.
People, from all generations, are looking for some way, methods, tips or even magic formulas to produce more in less time, with less effort, or in.
Read More ? Cost reduction – the eternal necessity/Date11 Dec 2016Organizations are continually under pressure to control, optimize and/or reduce their investment and costs on IT and now, more than ever, due to today’s economic climate.
The challenge for most CIOs is the way to reduce costs, without negatively impacting the value delivered to its internal and external customers, in order to preserve the organization’s.
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