Hyundai - Prime Vila Velha, Vila Velha - ES

Rod. do Sol, 1555 - Praia de Itaparica, Vila Velha - ES, 29102-085, Brasil
Vila Velha - ES

Prime Hyundai sua concessionária Hyundai no Espírito Santo - - ## AIR HEADERMain NavShow-roomQuero ComprarVendas DiretasOfertasSoluçõesServiçosConcessionáriaSocial Navfacebookwhatsapptwitterinstagramyoutubepinterest google+linkedin ## VIDEO/IMAGE/HTML BANNER/SLIDERSLIDE #1SLIDE SOURCE - [ see reference sheet below ]Hyundai_air_slideBG_1920x786.
jpgSLIDE TOP TEXT - [ text or html ]<h2 class="font3 weight1">2018 Hyundai</h2> <h2 class="font8">CRETA<span class="superscript">&reg;</span></h2>SLIDE TOP COLOR - [ hex/class ]#FFFFFFSLIDE TOP CLASSES - [ see reference sheet below ] SLIDE TOP HEIGHT - [ 1%-100%- so top+mi+cta = 100 ]50%SLIDE MID TEXT - [ text or html ]<span class="font2 weight2">A PARTIR DE</span> <span class="font5"><span class="superscript">R$</span>76.
990,00</span>SLIDE MID COLOR - [ hex/class ]#FFFFFFSLIDE MID CLASSES - [ see reference sheet below ]weight9SLIDE MID HEIGHT - [ 1%-100%- so top+mi+cta = 100 ]25%SLIDE BUTTON LABELVer EstoqueSLIDE BUTTON LINKnovos/estoque-de-novos.
html?models=cretaSLIDE BUTTON TARGET NEW TAB - [ yes/no ] SLIDE BUTTON CLASS - [ e.
btn-primary ]btn-primarySLIDE BUTTON HEIGHT - [ 1%-100%- so top+mi+cta = 100 ]20%SLIDE HTML POSITION CLASS - [ see reference sheet]v-center-half right-thirdSLIDE INDICATOR NAME - [ if textual indicator is enabled ] SLIDE #2SLIDE SOURCE - art_concept_revis_o.
pngSLIDE TOP TEXT - [ text or html ]SLIDE TOP COLOR - [ hex/class ]SLIDE TOP CLASSES - [ see reference sheet below ] SLIDE TOP HEIGHT - [ 1%-100%- so top+mi+cta = 100 ]SLIDE MID TEXT - [ text or html ]SLIDE MID COLOR - [ hex/class ]SLIDE MID CLASSES - [ see reference sheet below ]SLIDE MID HEIGHT - [ 1%-100%- so top+mi+cta = 100 ]SLIDE BUTTON LABELSLIDE BUTTON LINKSLIDE BUTTON TARGET NEW TAB - [ yes/no ] SLIDE BUTTON CLASS - [ e.
btn-primary ]SLIDE BUTTON HEIGHT - [ 1%-100%- so top+mi+cta = 100 ]SLIDE HTML POSITION CLASS - [ see reference sheet]SLIDE INDICATOR NAME - [ if textual indicator is enabled ] SLIDE #SLIDE SOURCE - [ see reference sheet below ]SLIDE TOP TEXT - [ text or html ]SLIDE TOP COLOR - [ hex/class ]SLIDE TOP CLASSES - [ see reference sheet below ] SLIDE TOP HEIGHT - [ 1%-100%- so top+mi+cta = 100 ]SLIDE MID TEXT - [ text or html ]SLIDE MID COLOR - [ hex/class ]SLIDE MID CLASSES - [ see reference sheet below ]SLIDE MID HEIGHT - [ 1%-100%- so top+mi+cta = 100 ]SLIDE BUTTON LABELSLIDE BUTTON LINKSLIDE BUTTON TARGET NEW TAB - [ yes/no ] SLIDE BUTTON CLASS - [ e.
btn-primary ]SLIDE BUTTON HEIGHT - [ 1%-100%- so top+mi+cta = 100 ]SLIDE HTML POSITION CLASS - [ see reference sheet]SLIDE INDICATOR NAME - [ if textual indicator is enabled ] SLIDE #1SLIDE SOURCE - [ see reference sheet below ]Hyundai_air_slideBG_750x640.
jpgSLIDE TOP TEXT - [ text or html ]<p class="font2">2018 Hyundai</p> <h2 class="font5">CRETA</h2> SLIDE TOP COLOR - [ hex/class ]#00000SLIDE TOP CLASSES - [ see reference sheet below ] SLIDE TOP HEIGHT - [ 1%-100%- so top+mi+cta = 100 ]30%SLIDE MID TEXT - [ text or html ]<p class="font2">A PARTIR DE</p> <h1 class="font5"><span class="superscript">R$</span>76.
990,00</h1>SLIDE MID COLOR - [ hex/class ]#000000SLIDE MID CLASSES - [ see reference sheet below ] SLIDE MID HEIGHT - [ 1%-100%- so top+mi+cta = 100 ]30%SLIDE BUTTON LABELVer EstoqueSLIDE BUTTON LINKnovos/estoque-de-novos.
html?models=cretaSLIDE BUTTON TARGET NEW TAB - [ yes/no ] SLIDE BUTTON CLASS - [ e.
btn-primary ]btn-primarySLIDE BUTTON HEIGHT - [ 1%-100%- so top+mi+cta = 100 ]30%SLIDE HTML POSITION CLASS - [ see reference sheet]top-full left-fullSLIDE INDICATOR NAME - [ if textual indicator is enabled ] SLIDE #SLIDE SOURCE - [ see reference sheet below ]SLIDE TOP TEXT - [ text or html ]SLIDE TOP COLOR - [ hex/class ]SLIDE TOP CLASSES - [ see reference sheet below ] SLIDE TOP HEIGHT - [ 1%-100%- so top+mi+cta = 100 ]SLIDE MID TEXT - [ text or html ] SLIDE MID COLOR - [ hex/class ]SLIDE MID CLASSES - [ see reference sheet below ] SLIDE MID HEIGHT - [ 1%-100%- so top+mi+cta = 100 ]SLIDE BUTTON LABELSLIDE BUTTON LINKSLIDE BUTTON TARGET NEW TAB - [ yes/no ] SLIDE BUTTON CLASS - [ e.
btn-primary ]SLIDE BUTTON HEIGHT - [ 1%-100%- so top+mi+cta = 100 ]SLIDE HTML POSITION CLASS - [ see reference sheet]SLIDE INDICATOR NAME - [ if textual indicator is enabled ] SLIDE #SLIDE SOURCE - [ see reference sheet below ]SLIDE TOP TEXT - [ text or html ]SLIDE TOP COLOR - [ hex/class ]SLIDE TOP CLASSES - [ see reference sheet below ] SLIDE TOP HEIGHT - [ 1%-100%- so top+mi+cta = 100 ]SLIDE MID TEXT - [ text or html ] SLIDE MID COLOR - [ hex/class ]SLIDE MID CLASSES - [ see reference sheet below ] SLIDE MID HEIGHT - [ 1%-100%- so top+mi+cta = 100 ]SLIDE BUTTON LABELSLIDE BUTTON LINKSLIDE BUTTON TARGET NEW TAB - [ yes/no ] SLIDE BUTTON CLASS - [ e.
btn-primary ]SLIDE BUTTON HEIGHT - [ 1%-100%- so top+mi+cta = 100 ]SLIDE HTML POSITION CLASS - [ see reference sheet]SLIDE INDICATOR NAME - [ if textual indicator is enabled ] ## REFERENCE SHEET FOR SLIDE HTML SLIDE SOURCE - [ Image Index^, YoutubeID or HTML5 Video Folder Path ]- image file name : slide source will be set to the image from the carousel widget at top using its file name - [ e.
jpg" ]- youtube id : slide source will be a youtube video by using its embed id - [ e.
"Zx7HliE_0-Q" ] SLIDE TOP/MID CLASSES - [ font1-10, weight1-9, italic, underline, superscript, subscript ]- font1-10 : sets the size of the text from 1:1 to 10:1 - [ e.
"font2" ]- weight1-9 : sets the weight (bold/light) of the text from 100 (lightest) to 900 (boldest) - [ e.
"weight9" ]- italic/underline/superscript/subscript : will set the corresponding style SLIDE HTML POSITION CLASS - [ Vertical & Horizontal sets should be input ]- Vertical : top, v-center or bottom "-" full, half or third - [ e.
"top-third" sets the HTML to the top of the slide using a 1/3 of its height ]- Horizontal : left, h-center or right "-" full, half or third - [ e.
"h-center-half" sets the HTML to the horizontal center of the slide using half of its width ]- Vertical & Horizontal = "top-third h-center-half" ## AIR MICROMACHINES## AIR QUICK SEARCH + CTAS Pesquisa Rápida NovosCertificado de ProcedênciaSeminovosNovos &amp; Seminovos Marca Marca Modelo Modelo Ano Ano Pesquisar Limpar Pesquisa ## SEE SMART PARAMS FOR OPTIONSOfertas de NovosOfertas de SeminovosHyundai SempreAgendar RevisãoAvalie seu SeminovoCotação On-line## AIR 4-SQUARE CTAS## AIR SEO TEXTSeja bem-vindo à Prime Hyundai, sua concessionária Hyundai em Vila Velha, Serra, Linhares, Cachoeiro e VitóriaNa Prime Hyundai você encontra toda a linha Hyundai 0km, além de seminovos de diversas marcas e modelos, com a garantia e procedência que você procura! Nosso horário de atendimento é de Segunda à Sexta-Feira e em horários especiais aos Sábados.
Além de veículos novos e seminovos, você também conta com um pós-venda altamente qualificado e um serviços de peças genuínas Hyundai com os melhores preços.
Confira nossas ofertas e fique mais próximo do seu carro novo!## MAP CONTAINER

Localização como chegar a Hyundai - Prime Vila Velha