Ratto Software, Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Rua Conde de Irajá, 71 - Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22271-020, Brasil
Rio de Janeiro - RJ

- - We are a digital company based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and since our launch in 2009, we have developed memorable projects that are on screens all over the world.
Our cozy house dating from the 1940’s, is home to more than twenty people, who think and dream games, mobile and digital.
Welcome to Ratto We are a digital company based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and since our launch in 2009, we have developed memorable projects that are on screens all over the world.
Our cozy house dating from the 1940’s, is home to more than twenty people, who think and dream games, mobile and digital.
Welcome to Ratto OUR SKILLS  other than playing video games really well We take pride in being able to program anything, in any language, for any platform.
We turn your ideas into beautiful and functional interfaces that work in all kinds of devices.
But more than that, we can help you during your creative process with our technical expertise to make sure you've got the best results you could expect.
Game development We’ve been making games from the day we opened.
During this time, we have published many games, both for ourselves and for our clients.
Our acquired experience is at your disposal to help in making your game, be it mobile, desktop, or Facebook.
Apps Whether you’ve got an idea for a mobile business or need a Facebook app for an advertising campaign, we can help you out.
Our team will put your brand on the App Store and Google Play, or connect to your customers trough Facebook.
Web sites Since Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the world wide web, sites evolved from static showcases to become marketing tools, marketplaces and even important revenue streams.
Doesn't matter which one you need, we've got you covered.
Online Advertisement Sometimes online campaigns often demand dozens of banners, each of which has to be perfect.
Sometimes it even has to happen overnight.
That’s when a company able to produce banners the way you want, when you need it can make all the difference in the outcome of your campaign.
We can help you there.
CLIENTS these nice people trust us to take care of their brands Nizan Guanaes Presidente do grupo ABC "The internet was created by insane people like Bernardo Ratto.
" PARTNER AGENCIES DIRECT CLIENTS CHECK OUT OUR 2017 GAME REEL GET IN TOUCH Even if it is just to say hi! Copyright © Ratto Software ltda.
All rights reserved.
co | +55 21 3592-2524 | Rua Sarapuí, 8 - Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil - CEP:22260-170 This website uses cookies to provide you with the best browsing experience.
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